( Editorial: --> 4608 )
KISTANJE, Aug 19 (Hina) - Several hundred Croatian Serbs gathered
in Kistanje (west of Sibenik) on Wednesday to celebrate a Serb
Orthodox Holiday in the Krka monastery.
Present at the celebration were leaders of the Serb National
Council, Milorad Pupovac and Vojislav Stanimirovic, president of
the Serb Democratic Forum, Veljko Dzakula, the Yugoslav Ambassador
to Croatia, Veljko Knezevic, and many others.
"We came here because the people used to gather here at the Krka
monastery before the war. We came to give support to all people of
good will, bishop Longin who gathered his strength to come here, and
to give our people the strength, stimulus and will to return and
live in this region," Stanimirovic said.
"We are grateful the monastery was not damaged. The Croatian police
contributed by forbidding anyone to enter the monastery, even after
the war, and who protected it," he added.
Asked to compare the return of Croats to the Croatian Danube River
region and the return of Serbs to Dalmatia, Stanimirovic said "the
return is not being implemented well either in eastern Slavonia, or
in other parts of Croatia".
"Unfortunately, a large number of buildings have been destroyed,
and the conditions for the return are not good. We are trying to,
through the Programme for the Return, fix minor damages on houses
quickly in order to enable a speedy return to eastern Slavonia and
here," Stanimirovic stressed.
Ambassador Knezevic said this event in Kistanje must be applauded
because it is a sign of further democratisation in Croatia, and a
sign of tolerance towards Serbs.
The next time around there will be more people, Knezevic said.
(hina) lml
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