( Editorial: --> 4571 )
MALINSKA, Aug 19 (Hina) - Croatian coastal counties hosted 464,242
tourists during the past weekend.
This number has increased by 5.5 per cent since last year.
Out of the total, 392,000 tourists were foreigners, director of the
Croatian Tourist Association (HTZ), Marijan Bulat, said on
Although the Istria and Primorje-Gorski Kotar counties were the
most visited, they accommodated a somewhat decreased number of
tourists as compared to last year.
Personnel in tourism will now begin preparing for next year, and
around US$15,8 will be set aside for the tourism campaign next year,
Bulat said.
Most of these funds will be assigned to advertisements, publishing,
offices abroad, appearances at fairs and the work of the main office
of the HTZ.
The campaign will be concentrated on five primary tourist markets
(Germany, Italy, Austria, Slovenia and the Czech Republic), and
five secondary tourist markets, (The Netherlands, Slovakia, Great
Britain, Hungary and France).
The HTZ will particularly invest their efforts in the further
strengthening of the reputation of our tourism, the promotion of
its quality, good price policy, improvement of offer and
improvement of the quality of accommodation, Bulat said.
The HTZ will also suggest to the Tourism Ministry to hold a "tourism
parliament" in which all ministries able to contribute to Croatian
tourism would participate.
At this "parliament" session, tourism should be declared the
primary activity of Croatia's economy which could stimulate the
development of a number of other economic activities, Bulat said.
(hina) lml
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