( Editorial: --> 2434 )
BELGRADE, Aug 7 (Hina) - The Democratic Alliance of Vojvodina
Croats and the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians have protested
against the "continued mobilisation" of reservists by the Yugoslav
The Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians on Friday held a press
conference saying they were being asked for help by reservists of
all nationalities who received mobilisation calls, the Belgrade
news agency Beta reported from the northern Yugoslav town of
Subotica Mayor and president of the Alliance of Vojvodina
Hungarians, Jozef Kasa, claims he received assurances from the
Subotica police superintendent that the police would no longer
bring in for questioning reservists dodging mobilisation calls.
However, reservists are still being brought in for questioning,
Kasa said.
Vojvodina Croats also opposed the mobilisation accusing the
authorities of not being able to solve the Kosovo crisis with
political means.
(hina) rml /mbr
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