( Editorial: --> 9670 )
VARAZDIN, July 24 (Hina) - A 15.6km-long section of a future highway
between Zagreb and Gorican, on Croatia's border with Hungary, was
opened on Friday.
The section between the towns of Varazdin and Cakovec, northern
Croatia, was opened for traffic by Ivica Mindjek, war commander of
the Stork unit from Varazdin.
Also attending were Croatian Premier Zlatko Matesa and other
representatives of state and local authorities.
The investor in this US$90 million-worth project is Croatian Roads
The future highway from the Hungarian border to Zagreb and Rijeka, a
port on the northern Adriatic, will provide a better political and
transport connection among Croatia's central, continental and
coastal regions, said Premier Matesa.
He thanked the Varazdin County prefect for supporting the building
of the highway and commended the contractors who, Matesa said,
proved they were capable of meeting the deadlines and quality on a
European level. We can count on them in the future as well, he said.
The Premier especially commended the Croatian army for outstanding
The Varazdin-Cakovec section is part of a pan-European corridor
from the Baltic to the Adriatic. According to Transport Minister
Zeljko Luzavec, it provides the fullest integration into Europe.
Roads are the strongest logistics to Croatian tourism, he
emphasised, recalling the sections built on that corridor so far
shortened travelling for more than one hour.
Thirty-three km of highway have been built between Varazdin and
Gorican so far, some 30km between Zagreb and Varazdin and 90km from
Zagreb to Rijeka, said Luzavec.
He recalled that 20km on the Zagreb-Varazdin road were improved,
with a US$8.5 million loan of the European Bank for Reconstruction
and Development.
This road will be completed by the year 2000, Luzavec said.
(hina) ha jn
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