( Editorial: --> 5559 )
SARAJEVO, May 21 (Hina) - The Bosnian air company "Air Bosna" on
Thursday completed the first of its regular flights on the
Sarajevo-Belgrade-Sarajevo route.
According to a signed agreement between "Air Bosna" and the
Yugoslav air company "JAT", the two companies will perform flights
on this route every Tuesday and Thursday.
JAT already established air traffic with Banja Luka almost two
months ago.
Yugoslavia and Bosnia-Herzegovina have not yet established
diplomatic relations, and visas are still necessary for both
countries, but citizens can obtain visas at border crossings
without problems.
The Bosnia-Herzegovina Presidency chairman's advisor for foreign
policy, Mirza Hajric, said that the establishment of air traffic
between the two countries should not be seen as an introduction to
the establishment of diplomatic relations.
Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic made the establishment of
diplomatic relations conditional upon the withdrawal of Bosnia's
law suit against Yugoslavia because of its aggression on Bosnia-
Herzegovina before the International Justice Tribunal.
(hina) lm jn
211459 MET may 98
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