( Editorial: --> 2197 )
SARAJEVO, May 7 (Hina) - There is no politician at present who could
replace Gojko Susak in the implementation of the international
community's policy towards Bosnia, deputy international High
Representative for Bosnia Jacques Klein told Sarajevo daily
Oslobodjenje Thursday.
There is at present no politician with Susak's credibility and
power, Klein said in answer to the question whether there was in
Bosnia-Herzegovina a politician akin to Susak, who would be open to
The deputy international High Representative pointed out that the
officials he was in touch with from Bosnia's three peoples serve
only their own interests without seeing the wider picture, unlike
Susak, who had a vision.
Susak always complied with reached agreements and had the power to
keep that promise which, Klein said, could not be said of other
politicians here.
Bosnia needs a young leadership now, one not burdened with the
communist past and the war, one aspiring to trade economy and
progress, Klein said to Oslobodjenje daily.
(hina) ha as
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