( Editorial: --> 7496 )
PRISTINA, March 5 (Hina) - More than one thousand Albanian women
held a rally in front of the United States Information Centre in
Pristina on Thursday.
They gathered to protest against the violence and bloodshed of
Albanian people in Drenica used by Serbian forces, holding candles
and shouting "USA, USA, Help!"
A delegation of the women was then received by Information Centre
director Richard Huckaby. In discussions with Huckaby, they
requested that the United States send their forces to intervene in
Kosovo because, as they put it, the situation is extremely
hazardous both for the province and the region.
At least another thousand Albanian women tried to protest against
the violence in Kosovo in front of the Centre, but were hindered by
The rally ended without incidents.
(hina) lm jn /mb
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