( Editorial: --> 9291 )
ZAGREB, 8 Feb (Hina) - Sumamed, an original antibiotic of the
Croatian pharmaceutical company Pliva, could be used successfully
in treating chronic non-infectious diseases, such as ulcer and
This is the finding of research Pliva experts did last year.
The study has opened a completely new area in the application of
According to the latest researches, some 60% of population in
Croatia are infected with H. pylori, a virus which is believed to be
one of the causes of ulcer and some other stomach diseases such as
gastritis and malign tumours.
It is estimated that one in ten people in the world suffer from
ulcer. The risk of its developing is six times higher with people
infected with H. pylori.
A team of top Croatian doctors, in cooperation with Pliva experts,
last year did research with the aim of establishing the percentage
of cases of infection with the bacteria C. pneaumoniae.
Their results show that even 75% of all testees had suffered the
infection at some point in their life. The disease was twice more
frequent in the group of testees who suffered from cardio-vascular
The same bacteria frequently causes pulmonary infections and it is
believed that it causes five to ten per cent of all cases of
pneumonia contracted outside of hospitals.
Untreated infections could be the key to the development of later
diseases such as atherosclerosis - acute coronary, or stroke,
possibly arthritis, asthma or some other chronic disease whose
causes have still not been sufficiently investigated.
Pliva's study has opened a whole new set of questions concerning the
optimum dosage, the combining of Sumamed with other groups of
medicines, as well as questions regarding long-term application of
(hina) rm
081305 MET feb 98
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