( Editorial: --> 8629 )
ZAGREB, 1 Feb (Hina) - Pope John Paul II appointed Msgr. Valter
Zupan new Krk Bishop, the apostolic nunciature in Croatia said in a
statement Saturday.
Msgr. Zupan, former diocesan administrator of the Krk diocese, was
born on 10 August 1938 in Cunsko, Mali Losinj.
He started his secondary education in a seminary in Zadar and
completed it in Pazin.
He graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy and Theology in Pazin.
Zupan was ordained a priest of the Krk diocese on 8 July 1962.
He held several posts between 1962 and 1997. He was appointed
administrator of the Krk diocese on 6 October 1997.
Msgr. Zupan is also a member of various councils in the Krk diocese
and secretary with the Council for Family in the Croatian Bishops'
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