( Editorial: --> 5529 )
SARAJEVO, 19 Jan (Hina)- The presence of NATO soldiers in Banja
Luka, Bijeljina and Pale has been increased so that a peaceful hand-
over of authority to the new Republika Srpska government, elected
yesterday, could be secured, spokesman for the Stabilisation
Forces in Sarajevo, Louis Garneau, announced on Monday.
This is not a unilateral action but a result of the international
community's decision that it is necessary to remain alert, said
Garneau's words of caution for SFOR indicates increased
observation including vigilance of government buildings.
Spokesman for the High Representative, Simon Haselock, said today
that the new government of Republika Srpska was completely
democratically elected and it is now necessary to secure that it
takes over its powers without obstruction.
He said the international community remains ready to secure all
types of assistance for improving the economy of Republika Srpska.
Constructive constributions to the peace process will be rewarded,
said Haselock, emphasising that a number of reconstruction
projects have been stopped because of stands taken by the previous
Republika Srpska government.
UNHCR spokesman Kris Janowski today expressed hope that the newly
elected government will show more willingness to cooperate in the
return of refugees.
UN spokesman Alexander Ivanko said the plan to reorganise the
police force in the Bosnian Serb entity would continue with the new
government and that the International Police Task Force does not
have information on how many active police are loyal to Plavsic and
how many are under Pale's command.
(hina) mm mrb
191627 MET jan 98
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