( Editorial: --> 3091 )
ZAGREB, Jan 8 (Hina) - The new United States Ambassador to Croatia,
William Dale Montgomery, on Thursday held his first official press
conference, in which he spoke about his country's policy towards
Emphasising the continuity of American policy, Ambassador
Montgomery said it was based on two main objectives - total
implementation of the Dayton peace agreement and the restoration of
long-term peace and stability in eastern Slavonia and the whole
Montgomery said how the implementation of the Dayton agreement and
long-term peace were tied with other aims.
These included democracy in all countries of the region, market-
based economies, freedom of speech and the media, respect for human
rights, the return of refugees and displaced persons,
implementation of the Erdut agreement on the peaceful
reintegration of the Croatian Danube River region and
reconciliation between ethnic groups.
"We think there needs to be real reconciliation between ethnic
groups. And we believe very strongly that refugees and displaced
persons must have satisfactory, durable long-term solutions to
their problems," the American Ambassador said.
Montgomery concluded the press conference, held at the Zagreb Press
Club of the Croatian Journalists' Association, by saying how he
believed these goals were similar to Croatia's.
(Hina) jn mb
081808 MET jan 98
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