( Editorial: --> 2417 )
BEGOVO RAZDOLJE, Jan 5 (Hina) - Croatian vice premier Ivica
Kostovic on Monday opened the renovated hotel Jastreb in Begovo
Razdolje, a tourist resort in the Gorski Kotar region situated at
1.078 metres above sea-level, the highest in Croatia.
The hotel offers 46 double and triple rooms, three suites,
restaurant and bar, and will soon include a gym and disco. Skiing
grounds and a cable way are in the immediate vicinity.
By investing in hotel Jastreb, the Croatian Government tried to
revive tourism in Gorski Kotar and provide jobs for local
population, said vice premier Kostovic.
He believed "the opening of (the hotel) is a good example of a
successful and advantageous cooperation among many state, local
and economic factors".
The Government invested US$ 240,000 in the renovation, assisted by
Liburnija Rivijera Hoteli, a hotel association from Opatija, with
US$ 81,000.
The first guests are children of killed Croatian defenders who have
been staying at Jastreb since Christmas.
(hina) ha mm
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