SARAJEVO, Dec 15 (Hina) - The Interior Minister of the Croat-Muslim Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina on Friday, Mehmed Zilic, met a delegation of the Croatian Interior Ministry including Assistant Minister Vladimir Faber and Zlatko
Miletic in Sarajevo on Friday. According to a statement by the Federation Interior Ministry, the two sides discussed matters the two ministries are dealing with special reference to the problem of increased illegal migration. Zilic stressed the need for Croatia to hand over to Bosnia-Herzegovina Ivan Andabak, first on the indictment list in the assassination of Federation's Deputy Interior Minister Jozo Leutar in March 1999. Andabak was arrested in Croatia this year, charged with organising a drug smuggling chain, but his extradition to Bosnia-Herzegovina has been hampered by the fact that he has a dual citizenship. The extradition request is based on the fact that Andabak was born in Bosnia-Herz
SARAJEVO, Dec 15 (Hina) - The Interior Minister of the Croat-Muslim
Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina on Friday, Mehmed Zilic, met a
delegation of the Croatian Interior Ministry including Assistant
Minister Vladimir Faber and Zlatko Miletic in Sarajevo on Friday.
According to a statement by the Federation Interior Ministry, the
two sides discussed matters the two ministries are dealing with
special reference to the problem of increased illegal migration.
Zilic stressed the need for Croatia to hand over to Bosnia-
Herzegovina Ivan Andabak, first on the indictment list in the
assassination of Federation's Deputy Interior Minister Jozo Leutar
in March 1999.
Andabak was arrested in Croatia this year, charged with organising
a drug smuggling chain, but his extradition to Bosnia-Herzegovina
has been hampered by the fact that he has a dual citizenship.
The extradition request is based on the fact that Andabak was born
in Bosnia-Herzegovina and that in this case the institute of dual
citizenship could be used as a means of escaping justice.
The federation police forces have so far arrested four persons
suspected of participating in Leutar's assassination - Zeljko
Cosic, Dominik Ilijasevic, Zoran Basic, and, early this week,
Jedinko Bajkusa.
In a statement carried by 'Nezavisne novine' from Banja Luka, Zilic
said Bajkusa's arrest 'closes the circle,' leaving the police with
only one suspect, Mario Milicevic, to arrest.
Zilic also requested the Federation authorities to pay the one
million German marks promised to the person whose testimony helped
catch Leutar's killers. The person has entered a witness protection
(hina) rml