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HINA Zagreb, October 15, 2000HDZ BIH DECIDES NOT TO BOYCOTT ELECTIONSKISELJAK, Oct 15 (Hina) - At its extraordinary session held Sunday in Kiseljak, the Croatian Democratic Union of Bosnia-Herzegovina (HDZ BiH) decided not to boycott
the upcoming elections for the senior authority bodies of Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina. The session was chaired by president of the HDZ BiH and member of the Bosnia-Herzegovina Presidency Ante Jelavic. Voicing their opinion on a decision of the Provisional Election Commission of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Mission to BiH on the way of electing representatives to both houses of Bosnia's parliament, participants of the session passed conclusions which demand the cancellation of a decisions of the Provisional Election Commission. The conclusions stress that the decision is anti-constitutional and that it denies the legal and legitimat