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HR-GOVT-Politika BRIEF NEWS BULLETIN IN ENGLISH NO. 3761 HINA ZAGREB, SEPTEMBER 25 GOVT RECEIVES SUPPORT FROM PARLIAMENTARY COMMITTEEZAGREB, Sept 25 (Hina) - The Croatian government on Monday received the support of the parliament's
committee for interior policy and national security for its way of cooperation with the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), Croatian Government and Parliament senior officials said after today's session of the committee. "I believe that the assessment of the work so far was good and that the council (for cooperation with the ICTY), namely the government, received full support of the committee", Croatian First Deputy Prime Minister Goran Granic told reporters. Granic, who is also the chairman of the government's council, said he had, along with Justice Minister Stjepan Ivanisevic, informed committee members of the overall relations between Croatia and the Tribunal. "Members of the committee expressed satisfaction about the way t