ZAGREB, Sept 22 (Hina) - The Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) parliamentary bench has forwarded to Parliament speaker Zlatko Tomcic a proposal that the first autumn session of the parliament also include a debate on how the Prime
Minister and the President of the Republic are jeopardising the constitutional and legal order, the rule of law and the functioning of the law-based state, bench president Vladimir Seks said on Friday, calling Croatian President Stipe Mesic a disgraceful president. At today's news conference Seks blasted President Stipe Mesic and Prime Minister Ivica Racan. The HDZ would initiate the procedure of Mesic's impeachment, however, "it still does not have the necessary two-thirds majority in the Sabor," he said. Seks assessed that any warning by the HDZ that Mesic was stretching his authority was followed by the President's "generating hatred against the HDZ." Claiming that the death of H
ZAGREB, Sept 22 (Hina) - The Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ)
parliamentary bench has forwarded to Parliament speaker Zlatko
Tomcic a proposal that the first autumn session of the parliament
also include a debate on how the Prime Minister and the President of
the Republic are jeopardising the constitutional and legal order,
the rule of law and the functioning of the law-based state, bench
president Vladimir Seks said on Friday, calling Croatian President
Stipe Mesic a disgraceful president.
At today's news conference Seks blasted President Stipe Mesic and
Prime Minister Ivica Racan. The HDZ would initiate the procedure of
Mesic's impeachment, however, "it still does not have the necessary
two-thirds majority in the Sabor," he said.
Seks assessed that any warning by the HDZ that Mesic was stretching
his authority was followed by the President's "generating hatred
against the HDZ."
Claiming that the death of Hague witness Milan Levar has introduced
an atmosphere of fear in Croatia, in which the constitutional order
is seriously threatened, Seks accused Racan and Mesic of prejudging
responsibility for Levar's death and violating constitutional
regulations according to which "nobody is guilty until their guilt
is proven."
"The peak of these extremely irresponsible statements is Prime
Minister Racan's statement that Levar was killed by war criminals,"
Seks said.
The spectacular style of the arrest of persons suspected of killing
Levar and the armed raids into their homes, and their being taken
into police custody handcuffed, was accompanied by Mesic's and
Racan's comments that the police had arrested war and common
criminals, Seks said.
Seks also blasted Interior Minister Sime Lucin for prejudging
responsibility, adding the authorities were giving contradictory
information about the reason for the arrests, similar to the case of
Ivan Andabak.
If the government fails to solve the Levar case completely, the HDZ
will believe that this is not in the government's interest so that
it might continue abusing the case for political purposes, Seks
Commenting on President Mesic's statement in today's issue of 'Novi
list' daily that "half the members of the headquarters for the
protection of dignity of the Homeland War are major criminals,"
Seks said this was "vulgar slandering and criminalising of the
large population of Homeland War soldiers."
Seks also criticised the President over his statements regarding an
investigation into the Tudjman family. By stating that "white-
collar criminals will be arrested in a couple of months," Mesic has
taken over the role of both the police and the judge, Seks said.
The president of the HDZ parliamentary bench denied he was
responsible in any way for the Zec case.
President Mesic has said that while Seks was State Attorney he had
failed to prosecute the murderers of the Zec family from Zagreb.
"Mesic is lying, misinforming the Croatian public and is at war with
the facts," Seks said.
Statements by the highest state officials and some politicians from
the ruling six-party coalition could result in real acts of
violence against HDZ officials, Seks warned.
(hina) jn rml