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HINA Zagreb, March 19, 2000CROATIAN PRESIDENT MESIC ARRIVES IN SLOVENIALJUBLJANA, March 19 (Hina) - Croatian President Stjepan Mesic on Sunday arrived in Slovenia, at an invitation of Slovene President Milan Kucan. On Sunday morning,
within a private part of his two-day-stay in Slovenia, Mesic, together with his host Kucan, attended the finals of World Ski Flying Cup on Mount Planica. On Sunday afternoon he is to hold talks with Premier Janez Drnovsek in Brdo kod Kranja. On Sunday evening the Croatian President will be a guest of a popular political and satirical talk-show in the puppet theatre in Ljubljana. Many well-known Croatian and Slovene politicians, including the incumbent Croatian Premier Ivica Racan who was a guest of this event in January, have taken part in this show in recent years. The official meetings between Croatian President Mesic and Slovene senior officials are scheduled for Monday.PRESIDENT MESIC EXPECTS