ZAGREB, Oct 11 (Hina) - Croatian Premier Ivica Racan on Friday said he was confident that it was possible to find a solution which would satisfy all the parties in the dispute relating to the "Bobetko case".
ZAGREB, Oct 11 (Hina) - Croatian Premier Ivica Racan on Friday said
he was confident that it was possible to find a solution which would
satisfy all the parties in the dispute relating to the "Bobetko
case". #L#
"I think it is possible to find a solution which would protect the
dignity of the Hague-based UN tribunal and the interest of Croatia,
as well as of the indictee, Janko Bobetko. We are working in this
direction and I am still not a pessimist," Racan said at a news
Earlier in the day the Croatian Prime Minister received a
delegation of the European Union that handed over to him a protest
note in which the Union expresses its strong support for the work of
the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
(ICTY) and the international community's resoluteness to bring all
war crimes indictees to justice.
Racan said that it was unnecessary to overdramatise about the fact
that the UN war crimes tribunal's Prosecution assessed that Zagreb
had no grounds for an interlocutory appeal against the decision of
the tribunal's judge to issue a warrant for the arrest of Gen.
He explained that the Prosecution was one of the subjects before the
said court and it was not important what the Prosecution thought,
but what the tribunal itself maintained. He reiterated that his
cabinet would not push Croatia towards sanctions.
"We are aware of the gravity and risks which Croatia would face in
such a case, as well as of the damage the country would have," Racan
Asked whether he saw the protest note as a possibility of a
suspension of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA),
Racan answered that he saw it as a warning.
This is their warning of what could happen if Croatia fails to
cooperate with the tribunal, he said.
"I hope that the developments of events would not lead towards
sanctions, but I cannot dismiss this possibility if the EU assesses
that Croatia is obstructing cooperation with the Hague-based
tribunal," Racan said.
Asked about the possible next step by the EU, he answered that one
"can assume what it could be".
As the ratification of the SAA is under way in the parliaments of EU
member-states, the next step would probably be the discontinuation
of the process, the Croatian premier explained, adding that after
that economic measures could ensue.
He reiterated that he and the government were confident that Zagreb
should continue cooperating with the ICTY and use legal and
legitimate means within the cooperation.
These means, which the Croatian government is using, could
facilitate a satisfactory solution to every problem, including the
one concerning the Bobetko indictment, he added.
The use of all legal means in line with the Statute and rules of the
tribunal, are a part of the government's cooperation with the
tribunal, and it is the content, rather than obstruction of the
cooperation, Racan said.
He reiterated that at talks with international representatives he
pointed out the necessity of being patient and showing
understanding for the Croatian situation and for the functioning of
the tribunal.
In this sense Croatia has intensified its diplomatic activities, he
(hina) ms sb