"There are many possibilities for a period of relatively stable relations to ensue," Rupel told reporters after Prime Minister Janez Jansa and his government were approved by the parliament.
Rupel told reporters in the parliament that in the coming period Slovenia would be very active on the international diplomatic scene, as it would chair the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in 2005, and in preparations for chairing the European Union in the first half of 2008. That is why little time will be left for Croatia, Rupel said.
"With regard to Croatia, little time will be left for major changes," he said.
Rupel was quoted by the national radio as saying that it was important for Slovenia and Croatia to be aware that greater problems in bilateral relations stemmed from the time when they were in the Yugoslav federation. Those issues should not burden other relations and other areas, in particular economic cooperation, he added.