Sanader said the doubts appeared following chief prosecutor Carla del Ponte's latest statements about Gotovina and media speculation that Croatia's EU entry talks will be delayed because Gotovina remains at large.
Sanader reiterated Verheugen's position that Croatia could not be blackmailed.
He underlined Croatia would continue to cooperate with the Hague tribunal and fight for the complete truth about the 1990s war of independence.
"It is the patriotic duty of everyone, also in peacetime, to help so that the real truth about the Homeland War can be learned in Croatia, but also before the Hague tribunal. That's why the Gotovina case must be resolved there, before the Hague tribunal," Sanader said.
He also said the Government was not the least bit upset by Italian Deputy Prime Minister Gianfranco Fini's recent claims that there are circles in Italy which maintain that Istria, Rijeka and Dalmatia have always been Italian territory.