The ceremony began at exactly 0905 hours, marking the time when Serb insurgents launched a mortar attack on the villages of Cetekovac, Cojluk and Balinci on September 4, 1991. After the attack, the rebels killed 22 civilians and two police officers.
The memorial service was attended by the victims' families and representatives of the local government, military and police authorities.
Wreaths were also laid and candles lit by Parliament President Vladimir Seks, Brigadier General Zvonko Peternel in his capacity as envoy of the President of the Republic, Minister of Family and War Veterans' Affairs Jadranka Kosor, and several members of Parliament.
Kosor said that Croatia was oriented towards the future, but that the victims of the Homeland Defence War would never be forgotten. She added that 1,189 Croatian soldiers and civilians were still listed as missing.