In a subpoena signed by Judge Alphonse Orie on September 1, the authorities in Banja Luka were given one month to submit to the ICTY Office of the Prosecutor records of all sessions of "the Supreme Command of the Republika Srpska Army" held between November 30, 1992 and November 30, 1995.
The order was issued following a request by Chief Prosecutor Carla del Ponte after the Bosnian Serb authorities had ignored a number of her requests to submit the records.
The chief prosecutor finds the records of Army Command wartime sessions important for proceedings against Bosnian Serb wartime military commander Ratko Mladic and political leader Radovan Karadzic and for other cases and investigations, the statement said.
The tribunal indicted Mladic and Karadzic in July 1995 for genocide and war crimes committed in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Despite numerous attempts by NATO-led peacekeepers to arrest them and the ongoing Western pressure on Belgrade and Banja Luka, they are still at large.