Commenting on media allegations about the dismissal of Damir Loncaric from the post of Intelligence Agency chief due to pressure from the Ivo Sanader Cabinet, Mesic described them as speculation.
"In any case, it's not a dismissal. Even if Damir Loncaric were to leave the post due to certain personnel changes, he still would not be dismissed. He would leave for another demanding post, but we have yet to talk about that," Mesic said.
He added he expected to "give a little more attention to the law on intelligence services" this autumn. He assessed the law as "relatively good" but added certain changes would make it even better.
Mesic went on to say the expert control of the work of intelligence members was currently nonexistent because it was poorly conceived. He announced new solutions would searched for.
Asked if Loncaric's post might be taken by Assistant Foreign Minister Veselko Grubisic, the President said he did not know who would get which post. He added intelligence services would certainly never be politicised again, and that political parties would not be deciding about professionalism or personnel changes in intelligence services.