Samo prijavljeni korisnici mogu pregledati cijeli sadržaj.
SINJ, Aug 8 (Hina) - The 289th annual Sinjska Alka jousting tournamentended in Sinj on Sunday with the victory of 39-year-old knight NenadBikic. The Croatian Armed Forces' deputychief-of-staff, Colonel General Slavko Baric, last
Tuesday visited thefourth national contingent which will depart for Afghanistan in lateAugust to take part in the ISAF international peace mission. A totalof 50 Croatian soldiers will replace the third Croatian contingentthat is currently in Afghanistan on a six-month mission. Croatian consumers envisage that the generaleconomic situation in the country will deteriorate in the next year,that the financial situation of their households will also becomeworse and the possibilities for saving smaller. The federation of Italian hoteliers,Federalberghi, complained on Sunday that Croatia 'has taken away'Austrian and German tourists from Italy. 'Long Back-Ups Only TowardsCroatia' is the headline of a two-page arti