The Court is expected to move in late October into its new location, which was during the war 'the collection centre' for local Bosnian Muslims and Croats. In the said barracks, detained Croats and Muslims as well as those Serbs who refused to serve in Serb military units were interrogated, harassed and some of them killed.
BANJA LUKA, Aug 6 (Hina) - The defence ministry of the Republic ofSrpska on Friday decided to allow the Supreme Court of that BosnianSerb entity to use a part of 'Mali Logor' barracks in a greater BanjaLuka area as its
BANJA LUKA, Aug 6 (Hina) - The defence ministry of the Republic of
Srpska on Friday decided to allow the Supreme Court of that Bosnian Serb entity
to use a part of 'Mali Logor' barracks in a greater Banja Luka area as its
(Hina) ms