ZAGREB, July 13 (Hina) - The Croatian Parliament resumed its 8thsession on Tuesday with a debate on amendments to this year's statebudget by which the government plans to consolidate the statetreasury. Comments, accusations, criticism
of the formerand incumbent government marked Tuesday's heated parliamentary debateon a draft budget revision. Opposition MPs on Tuesday criticised a draftbudget revision, stressing that it represented the continuation of apolicy based on spending and adding that the revision was the resultof the dictate of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The Economic and Social Council (GSV) onTuesday supported a draft budget revision, Deputy Prime MinisterJadranka Kosor said after a GSV session. The president of the Croatian Bishops'Conference (HBK), Zagreb Archbishop Cardinal Josip Bozanic,congratulated Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader on his government'sachievements in Croatia's drawing closer to the Euro
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