ISTANBUL, June 28 (Hina) - Croatian President Stjepan Mesic has said inIstanbul that the United States does not make Croatia's entry to NATOconditional on the arrest of fugitive general Ante Gotovina, wanted bythe UN war crimes
tribunal. NATO leaders meeting at the 17th summit inIstanbul on Monday sent a message to Croatia encouraging it tocontinue with reforms, but did not specify a date of the country'sadmission to the alliance. The Croatian delegation attending the NATOsummit in Istanbul on Monday expressed satisfaction with the finaldocument, which encouraged Croatia to continue with reforms necessaryfor full membership of the alliance. Taking part in the first implementationconference of the member-states of the UN convention gainsttransnational organised crime, Croatian Justice Minister Vesna SkareOzbolt on Monday advocated the strengthening of regional cooperation. The State Secretary for political affairs inthe Croatian For
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