BRIJUNI, June 26 (Hina) - Croatian President Stjepan Mesic gave areception for members of the diplomatic corps accredited in Croatia onthe Brijuni Isles in the northern Adriatic on Saturday. Asked by the press in Pula on Saturday if
thegovernment would successfully come to grips with the economic andsocial issues in the country following last week's euphoriccelebration of Croatia's European Union candidate status, PresidentStjepan Mesic said the government's message after the candidacyclearly said that Croatia had to achieve the standards that would takeit into the EU. Croatian Foreign Minister Miomir Zuzul met inSwitzerland's Crans Montana on Saturday some 20 representatives ofworld and European companies interested in doing business withCroatia. Croatian business people living abroad areready to increase their investments in Croatia, but expect theCroatian government to carry out reforms in order to create a morefavourable busin
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