ZAGREB, May 29 (Hina) - Croatian Justice Minister Vesna Skare Ozboltconfirmed on Saturday that the Chief Prosecutor of the InternationalCriminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), Carla del Ponte,would visit Zagreb at the end
of next week. Reporting about Friday's first official visitof Croatian Foreign Minister Miomir Zuzul to Belgrade, the Belgrademedia stress the exemplary relations between Croatia and Serbia andMontenegro and statements by Zuzul and his Serbia and Montenegrocounterpart Vuk Draskovic that the priorities of both governments arethe solution of the problem of missing persons, the return ofrefugees, and the replacement of military forces along the borderswith police. Croatia's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister ofFamily Affairs, War Veterans and Inter-Generation Solidarity, JadrankaKosor, said at the fourth convention of the federation of associationsgathering the families of missing and imprisoned soldiers
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