The minister Ivo Komljenovic ordered further measures so as to precisely establish the source and sort of radiation, the Banja Luka-based daily Nezavisne Novine reported on Saturday.
At the alleged waste depot in the village near the Sava river, whose construction was ensured by an unusually high number of armed soldiers who prevented anybody else from reaching the site at the time, the radiation measured on the ground has come to 130 nanosievert while the allowed level is 80 nanosievert. The radiation is stronger measuring 212 nanosievert at the depth of one metre.
The experts have concluded that this indicated that radioactive material was stored there.
Local military experts assume that ammunition with depleted uranium was dug in.
According to Komljenovic the Republika Srpska authorities have asked the current EU Force (EUFOR) to give information about the site in concern but they have not received any answer.