Kosovo Prime Minister Bajram Kosumi on Thursday urged an investigation against police officers who overstepped their powers in an intervention against members of the movement "Self-Determination" in downtown Pristina yesterday. The movement is headed by Albin Kurti, a student leader from the 1990s and former political prisoner.
Expressing protest at the presence of the UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), members of the movement sprayed the word FUND on UNMIK vehicles meaning "end to UNMIK". "Self-Determination" is a nongovernmental organisation which opposes talks with Belgrade on the status of the province and seeks self-determination and recognition of its independence.
The police attacked the protesters with tear gas and arrested 37 persons.
The clash between the police and the protesters was the fiercest one in the last six years, since the establishment of the Kosovo police force, which currently has almost 7,000 members.