SPLIT, Aug 28 (Hina) - Non-governmental associations from Split Centrefor Democracy Development (CERD) and the Citizens Resistance TowardsViolence and Injustice (GON) and the Council of the Serb NationalMinority in Split issued a
statement on Sunday afternoon harshlycondemning an explosion in Kadijevici in Glavina Donja in which nobodywas injured.
SPLIT, Aug 28 (Hina) - Non-governmental associations from Split
Centre for Democracy Development (CERD) and the Citizens Resistance Towards
Violence and Injustice (GON) and the Council of the Serb National Minority in
Split issued a statement on Sunday afternoon harshly condemning an explosion in
Kadijevici in Glavina Donja in which nobody was injured. According
to a police statement, on early Sunday morning an unknown perpetrator threw a
bomb into the front yard of a house owned by a 58-year old man in the Imotski
region. At the time of the explosion, 12 people were in the house but nobody
was injured. The police said the house was damaged in the explosion.
Stressing that the owner of the house is a Serb national, the two
non-governmental organisations and the Council of the Serb National Minority in
Split criticised the police for not revealing the information about the
national identity of the owner of the house.