Samo prijavljeni korisnici mogu pregledati cijeli sadržaj.
ZAGREB, Aug 7 (Hina) - The Croatian Helsinki Committee on Human Rights(HHO) issued a statement on Sunday on the occasion of the tenthanniversary of the Croatian military and police operation 'Storm',pointing out the operation's
significance for the realisation of humanrights, notably the right to a safe and secure life and the return ofdisplaced persons, while at the same time warning that someconsequences of that offensive were also the negation of some rightsthrough the killing of civilians and ethnic cleansing which wascarried out through "almost synchronised activities" of the thenKrajina regime and Croatian authorities. Analysts of the Institute of Economics in Zagreb(EIZ) forecast that Croatia's positive economic trends will bemaintained until the end of this year. However, they hold that due tothe not so good start of 2005, this year's Gross Domestic Product willgrow by a moderate 3.2 percent and project GDP growth at 3.5 p