Sinjska Alka lancing tournamentSINJ, Aug 7 (Hina) - Mladen Vuckovic, a 33-year-old civil engineer fromBrnaz near Sinj, is the winner of the 290th annual Sinjska Alkalancing tournament, which was attended by more than 8,000 people
inSinj, southern Croatia, on Sunday.
SINJ, Aug 7 (Hina) - Mladen Vuckovic, a 33-year-old civil engineer
from Brnaz near Sinj, is the winner of the 290th annual Sinjska Alka lancing
tournament, which was attended by more than 8,000 people in Sinj, southern
Croatia, on Sunday. For the fourth consecutive year, the tournament
was held under the auspices of the "people of Sinj and the Cetina region".
Seventeen lancers took part in this year's Sinjska Alka, which was
established in 1715 when Sinj defended itself from the Turks and has since then
become a sport and cultural event.