"We believe that on May 31 or a few days after that date we will be given a positive assessment of our efforts, which will mean not only the granting of funds, but considerable support from the United States in international financial institutions, primarily the IMF and the World Bank," Ljajic said.
The minister said he had informed US officials of measures that were being taken to discover the remaining
six or seven indictees, such as the freezing of the indictees' assets and other measures aimed at establishing if the indictees are on the territory of Serbia and Montenegro.
Ljajic also said that Serbia and Montenegro had met "95 percent of its obligations" towards the tribunal.
"It would be politically extremely irrational to let the entire country suffer because of the remaining five percent of those obligations and to be held hostage by one man, because the condition of all conditions is the transfer of Ratko Mladic and we will do all to establish if he is hiding on the territory of Serbia and Montenegro."