The Croatian Associations Day in Brussels, which was opened by the Croatian Ambassador to the European Union, Mirjana Mladineo, was organised by the National Foundation for the Development of Civil Society in cooperation with the Brussels-based European Citizens Action Service (ECAS).
"Our aim is to present achievements in the development of civil society in Croatia in the last 15 years as well as results of cooperation between and joint projects of the governmental and nongovernmental sectors in Croatia," said the chairwoman of the above-mentioned National Foundation, Cvjetana Plavsa Matic.
A round-table discussion on the topic how EU donors can help Croatia's nongovernmental sector was held within Croatian Associations Day. The discussion pooled European Commission officials and representatives of the European Economic and Social Committee and of international foundations active in Brussels.
Plavsa Matic said the Croatian nongovernmental sector was very developed, with 27,000 registered organisations, over 90 foundations and over 150 international organisations active in the country.