The chairman of the committee, Thorbjorn Jagland, said that relations between Norway and Croatia had developed in many areas in a very short period of time. Norway is pleased to see the implementation of the Sarajevo agreement on refugee return, he said, adding that he hoped to soon see Croatia join the EU and NATO.
President Mesic stressed that Croatia was working simultaneously to draw closer to the EU and NATO and develop cooperation with neighbouring countries. "A large number of reforms has been implemented and many laws have been adjusted to the European legislation," he said.
The President also advocated closer cooperation between parliaments.
Apart from the situation in Croatia, committee members were also interested in Mesic's position on the situation in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo.
Mesic will also hold a lecture at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs in Oslo and visit the Nansen Institute, where Croatian and Norwegian scientists are attending a seminar on the protection of the Adriatic Sea.