Apart from their own gain, the multinationals should work for the benefit of the countries they operate in and achieve the same social communication in their home countries as in those in which they expand their business, the declaration says.
The signatories ask for DT to stop its negative activity in Hungary, Croatia, Slovakia and Macedonia, where they say many jobs have been lost and development has been prevented.
They ask for the right to develop and work and for the respect of workers' and human rights.
The conference was attended by 30 unionists from eight countries. It was organised by the Trade Union of Workers of Croatia, under the auspices of the European Federation of Public Service Unions.
The participants shared experiences with a view to pursuing joint activities aimed at protecting workers in Croatia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro, Austria, and Germany, and at creating uniform work conditions in the global telecommunications market.
The participants highlighted the need to respect the 1977 Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy, the purpose of which is to encourage companies to contribute to economic and social progress, respect national legislation and international standards, and care about job security.