MOSTAR, March 20 (Hina) - Attorneys representing the Croat member ofBosnia's collective Presidency, Dragan Covic, have supported theprotest of their colleagues representing the other indictees in theLijanovici case because the State
Prosecutor's Office delivered theindictment in the case to the media a week before delivering it to theaccused.
MOSTAR, March 20 (Hina) - Attorneys representing the Croat member
of Bosnia's collective Presidency, Dragan Covic, have supported the protest of
their colleagues representing the other indictees in the Lijanovici case
because the State Prosecutor's Office delivered the indictment in the case to
the media a week before delivering it to the accused. This has
created a climate of public lynching, including calls for resignations, and
eliminated the presumption of innocence, Josip Muselimovic and Zdravko Rajic
said in a press release on Sunday.
The Mostar-based attorneys said they might press charges against a
protected witness for false testimony against Covic.
The crime and corruption department at Bosnia's State Prosecutor's
Office on March 3 indicted Covic, Constitutional Court president Mate Tadic,
four Ivankovic-Lijanovic brothers, and Sarajevo Law School professor Zdravko
Lucic for helping the brothers evade paying duties on the import of meat and
meat products.