The Primorje-Gorski Kotar County police department said that the man was charged with property destruction and theft.
Rijeka police arrest man for writing graffiti about GotovinaRIJEKA, March 16 (Hina) - The police in the northern Adriatic city ofRijeka on Wednesday arrested and pressed charges against a 22-year-oldman for writing graffiti about the
runaway Croatian General AnteGotovina, the chief prosecutor of the Hague war crimes tribunal, CarlaDel Ponte, and other persons. The graffiti was sprayed on a church anda few other buildings.
RIJEKA, March 16 (Hina) - The police in the northern Adriatic city
of Rijeka on Wednesday arrested and pressed charges against a 22-year-old man
for writing graffiti about the runaway Croatian General Ante Gotovina, the
chief prosecutor of the Hague war crimes tribunal, Carla Del Ponte, and other
persons. The graffiti was sprayed on a church and a few other buildings.
(Hina) rml