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MADRID, March 11 (Hina) - Afghanistan is very satisfied with Croatia'sparticipation in the NATO-led peace mission and expects Croatia toexpand its contribution to peace restoration in Afghanistan to otherareas as well, President Hamid
Karzai said after talks with hisCroatian counterpart Stjepan Mesic in Madrid on Friday. Slovakia continues to unreservedlysupport March 17 as the date for the start of Croatia's membershiptalks with the European Union and views the policy of Prime MinisterIvo Sanader on the issue of fugitive general Ante Gotovina as"transparent, convincing and credible", Slovak Prime Minister MikulasDzurinda said in Bratislava on Friday. Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader endedthe official part of his visit to Slovakia on Friday by meetingrepresentatives of the Croatian minority in Devinska Nova Ves, about20 kilometres from Bratislava. Italian diplomats are trying to convinceEuropean countries that EU membership talk