After today's interview Turek told reporters that he did not expect that an indictment would be issued against him as he did not see any grounds for it.
According to some media, Turek is suspected of having subsequently added some telephone numbers of other persons to an approval made by the Supreme Court when it allowed him to monitor retired Colonel Miro Laco.
Turek sad that today's interview in the police did focus on his alleged addition of other telephone numbers to the approval made by the Supreme Court. He also dismissed those accusations as insinuations.
Turek said the charges which his successor to the post of POA chief, Josko Podbevsek, pressed against him were politically motivated.
Asked to comment a statement by the UN war crimes tribunal's Chief Prosecutor, Carla del Ponte, that Croatian secret services had monitored the tribunal's investigators and informed the runaway general Ante Gotovina of it, Turek said those were "untrue statements and fabrications".
He also refuted speculations that he had been involved in harbouring the fugitive general. Turek said he was certain that Gotovina was not in Croatia. "I don't know how one can protect Gotovina if he is not in Croatia", he said.