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ZAGREB, Feb 25 (Hina) - President Stjepan Mesic said on Friday he hadtold Hague war crimes tribunal chief prosecutor Carla del Ponte overthe phone that Croatia had not located runaway indictee Ante Gotovina,although all leads in the
case had been checked, and added that delPonte now believed in Croatia's credibility and success in closing theissue. Croatia's President Stjepan Mesic has said inhis interview with the Vecernji List daily's supplement 'Obzor' thathe believes in the success of the latest operation aimed at locatingthe runaway general Ante Gotovina, who is wanted by the UN war crimestribunal (ICTY). Police chief Ivica Franic on Friday met theheads of all police departments to analyse activities taken so far inorder to locate and arrest Ante Gotovina, the runaway general indictedby the Hague war crimes tribunal, the Interior Ministry said in apress release. The Minister of Foreign Affairs and EuropeanIntegration, Kolinda Grab