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PM Sanader confident solution will be found to teachers' strike

Autor: ;rmli;
TIRANA, Nov 24 (Hina) - Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader has voiced hope that a solution will be found to the ongoing strike of teachers.
TIRANA, Nov 24 (Hina) - Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader has voiced hope that a solution will be found to the ongoing strike of teachers.

Speaking to Croatian reporters in Tirana, where he was attending the annual summit of the Central European Initiative, Sanader said that it was beyond question that teachers' salaries should be increased, but the question was how.

He went on to say that teachers' salaries had decreased in 2000 and that now the government was expected to find a solution that the national economy would be able to bear.

Sanader stressed that he believed in social partnership in Croatia.

Unions claim that teachers' monthly salaries are 21 per cent lower than those in the economic sector and demand that the government make up for the wage gap over the next three years.

(Hina) rml

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