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No additional benchmarks for negotiating chapter on intellectual property law

Autor: ;vmic;
BRUSSELS, Oct 4 (Hina) - The Finnish EU Presidency sent a letter to the Croatian government on Wednesday, saying that negotiations on the policy chapter relating to intellectual property law could start immediately without any additional benchmarks and calling on the government to present its negotiating position, according to diplomatic sources in Brussels.
BRUSSELS, Oct 4 (Hina) - The Finnish EU Presidency sent a letter to the Croatian government on Wednesday, saying that negotiations on the policy chapter relating to intellectual property law could start immediately without any additional benchmarks and calling on the government to present its negotiating position, according to diplomatic sources in Brussels.

The EU Committee of Permanent Representatives, which consists of ambassadors of member states, had agreed that Croatia was sufficiently prepared to open this negotiating chapter.

Of the 12 chapters that have been dealt with to date, no additional benchmarks were introduced for seven chapters -- science and research, education and culture, customs union, right of establishment and freedom to provide services, economic and monetary policy, enterprise and industrial policy, and intellectual property law.

Croatia will be able to open negotiations on five chapters only after meeting the set benchmarks. Those chapters are public procurement, competition policy, social policy and employment, justice, freedom and security, and free movement of capital.

Croatia can soon expect invitations to present its negotiating positions on two more chapters -- agriculture and rural development, and fisheries.

Director-General for Enlargement Pierre Mirel said in Brussels on Tuesday that the European Commission had sent to the Council of the EU reports on the screening of the two chapters, proposing that negotiations start without any benchmarks.

(Hina) vm

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