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White House lifts military assistance ban imposed on Croatia in 2002 over Article 98

Autor: ;itom;
WASHINGTON, Oct 3 (Hina) - US President George W. Bush on Monday signed a decision on lifting a military assistant ban imposed on 20 countries, including Croatia, according to the International Military Education and Training (IMET) programme. The ban was imposed in 2002 in an effort to shield US citizens from the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC).
WASHINGTON, Oct 3 (Hina) - US President George W. Bush on Monday signed a decision on lifting a military assistant ban imposed on 20 countries, including Croatia, according to the International Military Education and Training (IMET) programme. The ban was imposed in 2002 in an effort to shield US citizens from the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC).

The Bush administration had been seeking bilateral non-surrender agreements, targeting many countries, including allies of the US government, those seeking membership in NATO, and those in the Middle East, the Caribbean and South Asia

The decision, published by the White House, read that due to US national interests the ban, imposed on the Roman Statute member countries, was being lifted.

Following the decision, Croatia, Serbia, Malta, Kenya, Tanzania, Mali, Namibia, Niger and South African Republic, Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, Peru, Bolivia, Barbados, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Trinidad and Tobago, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Samoa will be able to train their military personnel in US military academies and receive other forms of assistance from the IMET.

US discontinued its military assistance to Croatia in mid 2003.

(Hina) its

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