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Opinion poll on most likely winners of Bosnian elections conducted

Autor: ;rmli;
SARAJEVO, Sept 6 (Hina) - Ivo Miro Jovic of the Croatian Democratic Union of Bosnia-Herzegovina (HDZ BiH), Haris Silajdzic of the Party for Bosnia-Herzegovina (SBiH), and Nebojsa Radmanovic of the Party of Independent Social Democrats (SNSD) - candidates for Bosnia's collective state presidency, enjoy the most support of the electorate, according to an opinion poll conducted by the International Institute for Middle East and Balkan Studies from Ljubljana.
SARAJEVO, Sept 6 (Hina) - Ivo Miro Jovic of the Croatian Democratic Union of Bosnia-Herzegovina (HDZ BiH), Haris Silajdzic of the Party for Bosnia-Herzegovina (SBiH), and Nebojsa Radmanovic of the Party of Independent Social Democrats (SNSD) - candidates for Bosnia's collective state presidency, enjoy the most support of the electorate, according to an opinion poll conducted by the International Institute for Middle East and Balkan Studies from Ljubljana.

The opinion poll, which covered 740 respondents and was conducted over the phone in late August, shows that 27.1 percent of voters would vote for Jovic as the Croat member of the state presidency, while 24.4 percent would vote for the Social Democratic Party (SDP) candidate, Zeljko Komsic.

Bozo Ljubic, president of the HDZ 1990, which is supported by Croatia's ruling HDZ party, is third and enjoys the support of 22.8 percent of voters.

The opinion poll shows that Haris Silajdzic is leading convincingly in the race for the seat of the Bosniak presidency member with 44.4 percent support, in relation to his rival Sulejman Tihic, the current chair of the presidency, who would win 35.1 percent of votes.

Three parties with the majority Bosniak membership - Tihic's Party of Democratic Action (SDA), the SBiH, and the SDP, enjoy almost the same level of support - their candidates would win 19 percent of the vote each.

The HDZ BiH would be supported by 6.3 percent of respondents and the HDZ 1990 by 3.6 percent.

The survey also shows that the SNSD party of Milorad Dodik, the prime minister of the Bosnian Serb entity, can expect a convincing victory with 35.1 percent of the vote, while the Serb Democratic Party (SDS) could count on the votes of 15 percent of the electorate.

As for presidential elections in the Serb entity, SNSD candidate Milan Jelic is in the lead with the support of 36.1 percent of voters, while the incumbent president, Dragan Cavic, enjoys the support of 19.7 percent of respondents.

(Hina) rml

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