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Generals, war veterans ask for publication of list of Serb returnees who will be given flats

Autor: ;mses;
ZAGREB, Aug 28 (Hina) - The association of Croatian Army generals and the 'UBIDUR' association of war veterans, disabled veterans and widows of Croatian soldiers on Monday issued a statement urging the government to make public a list of all 4,000 Serb returnees who will be given state-owned flats within the government's plan provide returnees, former tenancy rights holders living in areas that were not directly affected by the 1991-1995 war, with housing.
ZAGREB, Aug 28 (Hina) - The association of Croatian Army generals and the 'UBIDUR' association of war veterans, disabled veterans and widows of Croatian soldiers on Monday issued a statement urging the government to make public a list of all 4,000 Serb returnees who will be given state-owned flats within the government's plan provide returnees, former tenancy rights holders living in areas that were not directly affected by the 1991-1995 war, with housing.

The two associations insist that none of returnees, who was engaged in any way in the aggression against Croatia, be allowed to move into those flats.

They also asked the Ivo Sanader Cabinet to ensure appropriate accommodation to Croats who lost their property in war and who still had not been compensated for the loss.

Recently the Croatian government has announced its plan to build over the next five years 3,600 apartments and purchase another 400 for Serb returnees, former tenancy rights holders living in areas that were not directly affected by the 1991-1995 war.

Preparations will be completed by the end of this year, and about 120 apartment buildings will be constructed by the end of 2011, with about 3,600 apartments for lease on a public-private partnership basis.

So far 4,425 applications for property restitution have been filed by people who previously lived in so-called socially-owned apartments, and it has been assessed that about 4,000 apartments need to be built or bought. The government has to secure a total of 3.07 billion kuna for the implementation of this project,


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