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New intercepting cars, motorcycles put on roads to raise traffic safety

Autor: ;half;
ZAGREB, July 31 (Hina) - As of Monday, traffic safety on Croatian roads will be monitored by 12 new intercepting police cars and 70 motorcycles which the Interior Ministry purchased for 22 million kuna as part of a national plan for traffic safety between 2006 and 2010.
ZAGREB, July 31 (Hina) - As of Monday, traffic safety on Croatian roads will be monitored by 12 new intercepting police cars and 70 motorcycles which the Interior Ministry purchased for 22 million kuna as part of a national plan for traffic safety between 2006 and 2010.

Minister Ivica Kirin said the ministry intended to purchase four new intercepting cars this year and more in the future so as to raise traffic safety and reduce the number of accidents.

The ministry said the better equipment was intended to increase police mobility and effectiveness and reduce the number of fatalities to the European level -- less than 10 per 100,000 inhabitants annually.

Last year the number of traffic fatalities in Croatia was 597, a drop from previous years.

(EUR1 = 7.25 kuna)

(Hina) ha

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