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Rise in CROLEI index reflects steady economic growth

Autor: ;mses;
ZAGREB, July 25 (Hina) - CROLEI, the Croatian Leading Economic Indicator, rose by 0.12 points in May from April.
ZAGREB, July 25 (Hina) - CROLEI, the Croatian Leading Economic Indicator, rose by 0.12 points in May from April.

This rise together with the previous four consecutive growths indicates a steady growth in the industrial activities in the fourth quarter of this year, the Croatian Finance Ministry reported on Tuesday.

CROLEI is a composite index aimed at forecasting overall economic activities.

It consists of 11 indicators, and six of them showed a rise in May this year in comparison to April.

Elements showing a rise on the monthly basis were the nominal net wage per employee, realised job vacancies, total liquid assets, cash, deposits and savings in kuna placed with commercial banks and an interest rate on the money market.

Elements with the fall from May to June were retail turnover, the import of devices and vehicles, nights spent by tourists, unconsolidated revenues of central and local budgets, and foreign currencies holdings in commercial banks on fixed-term deposits and deposits with notices on termination.

The Finance Ministry reported, among other things, that positive trends were seen in high liquidity of the system and in a fall in the unemployment rate to 16.7 percent in May.

The CROLEI Index is a joint product of the Zagreb-based Institute and the Croatian Finance Ministry.

(Hina) ms

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